• Ebook 3450 thuật ngữ pháp lý phổ thông: Phần 1

    Ebook 3450 thuật ngữ pháp lý phổ thông: Phần 1

    Ebook 3450 thuật ngữ pháp lý phổ thông: Phần 1 cung cấp cho người đọc các thuật ngữ pháp lý trong các lĩnh vực hình sự và tố tụng hình sự; các thuật ngữ về dân sự, tố tụng dân sự, nhà ở, đất đai. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

     292 p utm 08/07/2022 342 0

  • Ebook 3450 thuật ngữ pháp lý phổ thông: Phần 2

    Ebook 3450 thuật ngữ pháp lý phổ thông: Phần 2

    Ebook 3450 thuật ngữ pháp lý phổ thông: Phần 2 gồm các thuật ngữ pháp lý trong pháp luật kinh tế, thương mại và tài chính; thuật ngữ trong lĩnh vực hành chính, quản lý nhà nước và quan hệ quốc tế, thuật ngữ về lĩnh vực lao động. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

     402 p utm 08/07/2022 82 0

  • Ebook Luật Kế toán, Luật Thống kê và các văn bản hướng dẫn thi hành - NXB Tài chính

    Ebook Luật Kế toán, Luật Thống kê và các văn bản hướng dẫn thi hành - NXB Tài chính

    Ebook Luật Kế toán, Luật Thống kê và các văn bản hướng dẫn thi hành - NXB Tài chính cung cấp những kiến thức về: Luật Kế toán và các văn bản thi hành, Luật Thống kê và các văn bản thi hành, các văn bản xử phạt hành chính trong lĩnh vực kế toán, thống kê; các văn bản có liên quan

     985 p utm 08/07/2022 115 2

  • Ebook Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices: Part 1

    Ebook Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices: Part 1

    The following will be discussed in Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices - Part 1: Introduction, classical encryption techniques, block ciphers and the data encryption standard, finite fields, advanced encryption standard, more on symmetric ciphers, confidentiality using symmetric encryption, introduction to number theory, public-key cryptography and RSA, key management - other public-key cryptosystems, message...

     576 p utm 08/07/2022 363 0

  • Ebook Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices: Part 2

    Ebook Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices: Part 2

    The following will be discussed in Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices - Part 2: Authentication applications, Electronic mail security, IP security, web security, intruders, malicious software, firewalls, standards and standards-setting organizations, projects for teaching cryptography and network security,...

     407 p utm 08/07/2022 101 0

  • Ebook Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques

    Ebook Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques

    Ebook "Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques" present on: Machine learning tools and techniques, The Weka machine learning workbench,... Invite you to consult. Hope content useful document serves the academic needs and research.

     558 p utm 08/07/2022 256 0

  • Ebook A Practical Introduction to: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Third Edition - Java Version) - Part 1

    Ebook A Practical Introduction to: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Third Edition - Java Version) - Part 1

    Part 1 of book "A Practical Introduction to: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Third Edition - Java Version)" provide with knowledge about: preliminaries; data structures and algorithms; mathematical preliminaries; algorithm analysis; fundamental data structures; lists, stacks, and queues; binary trees; non-binary trees; sorting and searching; internal sorting; file processing and external sorting;...

     335 p utm 08/07/2022 87 0

  • Ebook A Practical Introduction to: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Third Edition - Java Version) - Part 2

    Ebook A Practical Introduction to: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Third Edition - Java Version) - Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of book "A Practical Introduction to: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Third Edition - Java Version)" provide with knowledge about: searching; indexing; advanced data structures; terminology and representations; graph implementations; lists and arrays revisited; advanced tree structures; theory of algorithms; analysis techniques; lower bounds; patterns of algorithms; limits to computation;...

     285 p utm 08/07/2022 81 0

  • Ebook Programming Methodology: Part 1 - Annabelle Mclver, Carroll Morgan

    Ebook Programming Methodology: Part 1 - Annabelle Mclver, Carroll Morgan

    Part 1 of the book "Programming Methodology" will provide with knowledge about: models and correctness; wanted: a compositional approach to concurrency; enforcing behavior with contracts; asynchronous progress; a reduction theorem for concurrent object-oriented programs; abstractions from time; a predicative semantics for real-time refinement;...

     208 p utm 08/07/2022 295 0

  • Ebook Programming Methodology: Part 2 - Annabelle Mclver, Carroll Morgan

    Ebook Programming Methodology: Part 2 - Annabelle Mclver, Carroll Morgan

    Continued part 1, part 2 of the book "Programming Methodology" will provide with knowledge about: programming techniques; object orientation; object-oriented programming and software development - a critical assessment; a trace model for pointers and objects; object models as heap invariants; abstraction dependencies; applications and automated theories;...

     248 p utm 08/07/2022 107 0

  • Ebook Objected oriented and classical software engineering (8th edition): Part 1

    Ebook Objected oriented and classical software engineering (8th edition): Part 1

    Part 1 book "Objected oriented and classical software engineering" has contents: The scope of software engineering, software life cycle models, the software process, teams, the tools of the trade, testing, from modules to objects, reusability and portability, planning and estimating.

     319 p utm 08/07/2022 338 0

  • Ebook Objected oriented and classical software engineering (8th edition): Part 2

    Ebook Objected oriented and classical software engineering (8th edition): Part 2

    Part 2 book "Objected oriented and classical software engineering" has contents: Key material from part A, requirements, classical analysis, object oriented analysis, design, implementation, emerging technologies, more on UML.

     369 p utm 08/07/2022 59 0

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